Wednesday, August 15, 2007

UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi, Kenya--by Awanis Roslee

6-17 November 2006, The year United Nations ministerial conference on climate change took place in Nairobi from 6 to 17 November. The meeting comprised two conferences held simultaneously: the 12th Conference of the 189 Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the 2nd Meeting of the 166 Parties to the Convention's Kyoto Protocol.
The European Union welcomes the solid progress made at the conference, which was the first ministerial meeting on climate change held in sub-Saharan Africa. It resulted in a series of decisions and new initiatives to support developing countries, which are the most vulnerable to climate change. These will help developing nations to adapt to climate change, thus reducing its adverse impacts, and will encourage more clean technology projects in Africa and other poorer regions. The conference gave added momentum to discussions on future global action to combat climate change which began last May. The Kyoto Protocol parties agreed on a comprehensive work plan for their talks on further commitments by developed countries for the period after 2012, when the Protocol's first commitment period ends.
The conference also carried out a first review of the Protocol and agreed to undertake a second review in 2008 as strongly requested by the EU. For the high-level segment of the conference on 15-17 November, the EU was led by the 'Troika' of Finnish Environment Minister Jan-Erik Enestam, European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas and German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

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