Thursday, August 30, 2007

Five minutes to the end

Aug 25, 2007 04:30 AM
Eric Ye Special to the Star

The world is collapsing and it's all because of us. Cutting down trees and pollution are only a few things that threaten our world.
Global warming is a terrible thing no one seems to care about.
Every time we use a car or fly on an airplane we are creating harmful CO{-2} emissions that go to the top of our atmosphere and stop heat from escaping.
By 2020, the Earth's temperature will go up 1.6C higher than it was before the fossil fuel age started.
If we keep on going like this, the world's snow and ice could melt very soon. Almost everyone knows this, and yet people aren't even slightly reluctant to start their car, burn up gas that takes millions of years to make, and then turn it into carbon and carbon dioxide emissions that bring us another second closer to Doomsday.
Humans are very greedy; we seem to take every piece of land we can live on, without giving any thought to what we might be killing. People are thinking, "They're animals, so they can survive." They may be animals, but they still have lives and are afraid of death as much as we are, but we still kill animals and think it's not a big deal. Whereas, if a person got killed we have to make investigations and imprison people, and make a big deal out of it.
Tornados and other natural disasters are nature's way of saying, "You have taken too much, and you must give some back."
We are living in a delicate ecosystem and humans just keep on corrupting it. Water is very important to humans and animals, and we pollute it.
We dump waste and whatever's in the sewers into it, and no one remembers this is the water we – and all animals – drink. We have treatment systems, but the animals don't. They are drinking everything from oil waste to human waste.
Humans and animals are lucky enough to even have a planet with the perfect temperatures for life, and when the animals are using it perfectly, we tear it apart

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